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Monday, March 23, 2015

The Sugar I Didn't Have Today

Day 2 no sugar. Felt pretty good. Had grounded Punch from outdoor play after school due to repeated rudeness. Was able to maintain an even keel and calmly explain that it's much nicer to spend time with her when she is polite. While I made lasagna, she arranged flowers in spongy green Oasis. We chatted happily. She pretended she owned a flower shop and I was the customer.

The sugar I skipped today:
1. Lemon flavored Greek yogurt. It has evaporated cane syrup. I got some plain cups.
2. Honey turkey and ham from deli. Punch and I like these but we don't need the sugar. Bought the plain ham.
3. Entire cookie, ice cream and candy aisle at ShopRite. Got salt & pepper pistachios, hummus, Triscuits. The Girl Scout Cookies we bought are in the car trunk. If H. or Punch wants a box, he can get it. I choose not to start something I can't stop.
4. Wine with lasagna and at Toni's Kitchen fundraiser tonight. Had seltzer with fragrant lime.
5. Easter chocolate at CVS. 

Going to read and rest. Good night.


  1. Good for you! I've noticed how you have incorporated more fruits and vegetables into your cooking. This is another good step on a path.

    The image of Punchy in the flower shop sounds very cute. She is so lucky to have you.


  2. Hi Nan. Xo to you. When I go to your blog what should I search to find your detox?

  3. Here's a link to the first of several posts:

    It was May of last year.
