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Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Red Sky at Night, Sailor's Delight

My Sis's husband, Don, died early Monday morning in Greenwich Hospital, where he had been admitted 3 days earlier w pneumonia. He was a jazz lover, drummer, bat boy for the Chicago Cubs and member of the New York Yacht Club. He sailed on Lake Michigan as a boy and later, in a race against Ted Turner in the Caribbean. He won so many trophies! Don was a menswear importer for years and helped introduce Madras plaid to the U.S. market in the 1960s. In the nineties, he had a nice office in the Empire State Building and worked in sports licensing. He loved Popsicles and chicken parm and above all, his wife. He was my friend and my fan and I will miss him. Sis and I cried a lot today and I drove over to spend the night and help with plans. Don would have been 90 this July. May the seas be smooth in Heaven and the winds be just right. Sail on, my brother-in-law. Sail on.


  1. So very very sorry to hear this! Such a loss for your sister and also for you. Take care of her and don't forget to take care of yourself as well.


  2. Don was someone to know. What an interesting life he had! I will always remember him as a kind and inquisitive person who seemed to enjoy life. So sad for Sis and for his family.

  3. So sorry to hear this Alice. He sounded like a lovely man. Sending my sympathies to you and your sister as you bid him good journey. xoxo

  4. Alice,my sympathy to all. Don was a sweet man and the few times I was in his company it was a pleasure. Please send my deepest sympathy to Marianne. Ann Pterson

  5. Nan, Lin, Kim and Aunt Ann, thank you so much for the lovely notes. It is a rough journey ahead for my dear Sis but so many people love her and have her back. Love, Alice

  6. I am very sorry. Love to you, your sister and the whole family.

    1. Thank you, Celia. I told my Sis and she said thanks. Love, Alice

  7. I'm so sorry! Lots of prayers for your sister (and you and your family, too)!
