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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Roses, Roses

This movie from 1958 is a fun and frothy Halloween treat.
 I love old movies set in New York City.
The summer Figgy first went to sleepaway camp for two weeks [the summer after third grade], she came back and told us about a very special Frost Valley tradition. The counselors and girls would all do "Rose, Bud, Thorn" each night in the cabin at bedtime......each would take a turn to list her roses [things she liked that day]; thorns [things that were bad]; and buds [hopes for the next day]. For years, H. and I did Rose, Bud, Thorn at bedtime with Figgy whenever we could. It was, and is, as helpful for adults as it is for kids.

Today, I was lucky enough to have lots of roses:
  • Bus ride to NYC--with a family visiting from Switzerland, who asked me about the bus fare, the ride back, and more.
  • Feet hitting pavement in the best city in the world, always exciting, even after all these years. I don't think I will ever outgrow the thrill.
  • Meeting Michaela and Cori, from the media department for Silpada sterling silver jewelry. They're based in Lenexa, Kansas but were in NYC this week for deskside meetings with editors and writers. We met at Dean & DeLuca, across from the Port Authority, and I had a maple latte and admired all of the beautiful silver jewelry they were modeling [including shiny cuffs, turquoise earrings, a gorgeous chunky ring and an amazing mod 38" link chain]. The meeting sparked some story pitches for me, always good. And I especially enjoy meeting press reps who are in town from so far away and can tell me about a company's back story. Right now, I'm working on a style piece and this could be a perfect fit. Link:
  • Going to the East Village to see my oldest brother's former girlfriend, J.! They were together for seven years when we were all much younger. I reached out to J. [an architect] because my brother has dropped out of contact with us all. I haven't seen J. for about 30 or more years. She made me tea in her airy apartment and together we went uptown, where she showed me her current project at the Edison Hotel on 47th Street. Reconnected connection. Check.
  • Stopping in the Hershey's Times Square store. Browsing, just browsing, but enjoying it all the same. Fun seeing all the tourists, like a group of young girls, buying chocolate and Twizzlers.
  • Walking a loop in Central Park. Such a glorious day. People in rowboats on the Pond, majestic urns overflowing with chrysanthemums on an old-fashioned bridge.
  • The busdriver kindly waking me up at my stop, or God knows I might have ended up in Montclair and had to walk back. I was sound asleep.
  • Choosing ceiling fans for our kitchen and my office and lighting for our bathroom. My favorite parts were a.] that H. and I could listen to each other's opinions and reach a stylish compromise and b.] that i chose a really charming little chain charm for the ceiling fan in my sun room. It's a petite rhinestone pineapple that has some turquoise stones that should play up the color on my walls.
  • Watching Bell, Book and Candle, a great old comedy from 1958 about witchcraft, starring Jimmy Stewart and Kim Novak. Like vanilla pudding for the soul in today's complicated world. A good Halloween treat.
And my favorite rose appeared last night at bedtime. My mother's dear girlhood friend in NYC, Alice, sent me an email. She wrote to me a few years back [after I published an essay about my Dad in a national magazine] and sent me pictures of her and my mom. I was so touched. I cried when I read her lovely long letter and flipped through the photos, saw the young girl my mom was, the happy young life she had. Alice, a beautiful blonde, moved to Denver after she married. She and my mom kept in touch at Christmas, and saw each other at least once when Alice and her husband, Dick Wester, came back to the NY area. I emailed Alice right back last night and asked her if I could publish her note. She said it would be fine. I am so pleased and thankful. Between Alice and J., in the last 24 hours, I've found some golden links to my family--to two people I loved who are gone, by circumstance or by choice. And when I told Figgy I heard from my mom's close girlfriend, who was with her when she rode the Cyclone at Coney Island 17 times on her 17th birthday, Figgy broke out into a grin. She knows that story well, too.

Dear Alice:

Several months ago I wandered onto your blog and I've been meaning to write you ever since. First of all I'm so sorry your Dad is having such a hard time. He's been a rock for you since your Mom died and now you're being a rock for him. You are blessed to have each other.

I enjoy reading your blogs - you write so well. And I just love it when you talk about your Mom - it beings back so many memories. I was with her when she rode the Cyclone 17 times on her birthday. I've told my husband and kids that story more than once. We went to St. Catherine Academy when it was on West 152 St. and were both on the basketball team and we beat the seniors when we were only juniors.

You mentioned the gold high school ring with the red stone and 1942 on it and how your Dad found one in the snow when he was a kid. I gave my ring to my daughter Kathy a few years ago. Our Fordham rings were very much the same, perhaps a little bigger with a red stone also. I lost mine at the beach one summer day when it flew off my finger as I was playing in the waves at Rockaway or Jones Beach - I've forgotten which.

In one blog you said your Mom loved peonies - I do too - did she enjoy gardening? Growing up in apartments we weren't exposed to yard and garden work and I've never been fond of it even though we had a big yard. We sold our house 13 years ago and now live in a high rise.

It sounds like you go to Manhattan often in the course of your work and love it and I love reading about it.

Well, I've rambled on long enough for now. Connecting with you has been a great pleasure for me. You have a gift - keep writing. And say "Hi" to your Dad.

Love - Alice

P.S. I'd like to have your Dad's address.


  1. So happy for you that you had such a rosy day! Amazing… that your mom’s girlhood friend would find your blog and how nice for her to be able to read about her friend’s family and feel that connection from afar. And what a beautiful letter to you. Sniff. Sniff. Need more kleenex now. Was J able to spark any ideas on how to find JJ? Love, Linda

  2. Alice, What lovely roses the day sent you!!!!!

  3. You did and experienced all that in a single day?!?! You are Superwoman! I'm glad so many beautiful things happened for you ... you deserve every single one.

  4. Hi Lin and Kim and Eileen. Thank you for the nice notes.
    Lin, I cried when i read the email from Alice. Just knowing that she was so close to my mom made me feel many steps closer to my mom also, you know? and J. did give me some good leads. Still have to figure out how/when.
    Eileen, I am so far from Superwoman it is not even funny, but i truly appreciate the compliment. It fits if Superwoman is in her exercise clothes at 6 PM, messy hair, ate a big chocolate chip cookie and um, maybe ate a few chocolate-covered Oreos. Figgy and her pal made a batch of big cookies....they smelled so good right out of the oven....have a good day....
