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Sunday, October 31, 2010


Stephen Colbert lives in my town.
 It's well-known that makeup maven Bobbi Brown lives here, too.
 Bobbi gives out lip gloss and candy on Halloween--wonder if Stephen hands out little American flags?
Photo by David Shankbone
Some fun goodies:
  • Saw bright orange bagels at Bellevue Avenue shop. Have seen green for St. Patrick's Day and pink  for Valentine's but this was my first orange sighting.
  • Class @ Yoga Montclair with wonderful teacher Joe. I want yoga to be a big part of my life again. It is grounding and calming, helps put things in perspective. Life and strength and vulnerability. Also loved someone's really pretty lavender yoga tank. When exercise=excuse for style, all is right with the world.
  • Dallying after class to look at gorgeous handmade jewelry and hip yogawear for sale.
  • Mass--arrived nice and early for a change. Liked it. Also, after watching awesome D.C. rally yesterday, googled Stephen Colbert. Knew he lived in Montclair but did not know he reportedly taught CCD [the google reports called it Sunday School] at St. Cassian's, my parish. Cool.
  • Sunday nap.
  • Phone chat with Sis.
  • Saw funny black "haunted" fresh flowers @ Stop & Shop--lilies, chrysanthemums.
  • Started packing for the journey home. Threw out big bag of junk. Folded clothes neatly and stacked in big clear plastic container. A journey of a thousand miles begins with but a single step*.
  • Nighttime visit to Dad @ Van Dyk with Sug. But by the time I dragged my seat there it was 8:30, and Dad was already sleeping. I woke him briefly just to say Happy Halloween and give him a kiss and say pleasant dreamsWhat'd you do today? he asked. What day is it? Satisfied with answers, he sunk peacefully back to sleep. 
  • Brown rice sushi and peanut-chocolate-caramel bar from Whole Foods.
  • Figgy as White Queen from Alice in Wonderland. She looked very pretty.
  • One too many Reese's PB Cups from the stash we bought to hand out and from Figgy's pillowcase of loot. No more, Patsy in my Pocket--no more, right?!
Good night.

*Lao-tzu, The Way of Lao-tzu, Chinese philosopher (604 BC - 531 BC)

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