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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Beauty Pageant

Oak leaf images from Gary Fewless, Herbarium Curator, Cofrin Arboretum Botanist, Academic Staff,
University of Wisconsin-Green Bay.
No, not the classic pageant with sparkly crown and bouquet of roses. The kind Mother Nature and Father Time put on every day--if we're lucky, and if we stop to notice.
  1. Dad laughing and sharing cherished memories--at 8 A.M. from a nursing home bed. He's 87, but my father's smile is still contagious.
  2. Caregivers at the nursing home who show compassion about diaper rash on a senior citizen.
  3. Two shapely trees--in chic, leafy orange dresses--at Brookdale Park. They looked like stunning twins ready to dance.  
  4. Gorgeous blue sky and then gorgeous night sky--striking backdrop for bare branches that looked like something out of The Wizard of Oz. That movie terrified me as a kindergartner, but now I see its beauty. Even green-skinned, wicked, warty, pointy-black-hat ugliness can be beautiful if you choose to see it that way.
  5. Teen girl with ginger hair in loose bun, pajama pants rolled to knee, thanking me for buying ice pops.
  6. The chance to teach said person in #5 grace and beauty at different daily junctures--usually in car. Some lessons will stick, I'm sure of it.
  7. Memory of my Irish grandfather always carrying a roll of peppermint Life Savers. [Figgy gave me one of those little buoys today, and the sight and smell of it brought back Jim Mahon, with his twinkling blue eyes.]
  8. Friends who are kind, friends who laugh. Role models.
  9. Morris Township [there for a work assignment] in all its autumn glory.
  10. A strong and powerful wind. Strength is beauty--a force to be reckoned with.
  11. Sound of sister's voice--and her love--on two phone calls, one voice message.
  12. Afternoon nap with adoring doggy.
  13. Conversation with man from France at resident Thanksgiving dinner social here at AVE Clifton. H. was working on house, Figgy was at art class. Talking to stylish man--a father of four, in the fragrance business, who is slim but appreciates the seafood and cheesecake in the USA--turned potentially lonely experience into enriching one. Loved discussing French coffee and perfume bottles. Charming  man rose from his swivel chair when I left. How gallant. As I've said before, I want to be French.
Good night.


  1. What a beautiful list of nice things. It's so helpful to list what is good, as a reminder that these things are always there if we want to find them. I love number 3. And numbers 1, 7 and 13. Love, Lin

  2. Dear Alice,I love this posting you write with such feeling and make everything so real all of your observations touched me.
    We lived in Rutherford for twelve years a town like Montclair dotted all over with large beautiful trees a joy to see but not so good when the leaves fell it took what seemed liked forever to gather up something we loved two weeks before that had become a nuisance.It was something we could as a family some more happily than others.
    I wish you and your family Happy Turkey Day.
    Warmly Aunt Ann

  3. 1. Hi glad you like my list. thank you ;}
    2. Aunt Ann--may I call you that? I know you are Linda's Aunt Ann and not mine, but I would like to call you that if it is OK with you. Thank you for the note. i didn't know you lived in Rutherford! you're right, it is a lot of work to rake leaves up. we will be returning home tomorrow and be reminded of that :) Until now, I've had a very lofty view of leaves this fall. thanks for the lovely note.
    love alice

  4. New profile headshot... looks good!

  5. Hi Linda...I had chosen from the start not to put a headshot....I was trying to think if I as a reader want to know what an author looks like or would rather imagine it........does having a photo take away from the picture painted with words? When i like a book, though, i constantly, constantly flip to the author photo for telling little details, so i decided to give it a whirl. What is your philosophy on using a photo? love alice

  6. I like it. it somehow feels right on your page! and it's a very pretty one, too!

  7. I like to see what an author looks like. I am not really sure why. I think it's for the reasons you say... telling details about the person who can put words together in such a way that I admire. I like bios, too. Where he/she lives, went to school, what was studied. In your photo, the pink in your blouse and the gray background blend and coordinate perfectly with the color scheme of this blog. It works.
