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Sunday, July 3, 2011

Prayer for My Daughter

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I'm sure hundreds, or thousands, of parents have written prayers for their children. Here is mine, after dropping our Fig Caroline off at Frost Valley YMCA Camp in the Catskill Mountains today at 2 P.M. This is her eighth year there, and her first as a counselor in training....and her first year away from us for four whole weeks. I am going to miss her so. I guess I really do believe in God, since crafting this prayer gives me comfort.

Prayer for My Daughter

Dear God,
We've seen some choppy, choppy water under the bridge this year. It almost surged up and overtook  us but it didn't, not quite. We were able to keep our eyes on the road. Thank you for that. 

Please bless and guide our Fig Caroline, and keep her safe and healthy and happy. Four weeks away is a long time!

Her parents are so flawed. We are so imperfect. I wish we could be better for her, not disappoint her, not cause her any sorrow or pain. But our love for her is so strong. Let the strength of our love reach over the mountains and streams and right into her room at the lodge. Blow a breeze through her window, and let it be from us.

Please let her thrive and be radiant. Let her freckles grow deeper from the sun. Let her not get her feelings hurt. Let her stand up for herself. Let her do some beautiful art, and read a lot. Let her drink in nature. Let her know her own strength. Let her know how much we adore her from afar--and always.

Thank you, God.
Good night.

  1. Ummm, I must have done something--oh, yes, brought two tall ice waters on very long car trip.
  2. Chose not to have alcohol at birthday party tonight, b/c we had been driving like six hours, dropping Fig off and then heading down to the party. I was so tired, I felt that if I had the alcohol, I would have sloppily overeaten, lost sight of all boundaries.
  3. Small piece birthday cake [unlike the old me, who might have had two hunks].


  1. This is really beautiful, Alice! I hope Figgy has a great time at camp.

  2. Thank you, Eileen. I trust your summer is going well with Peter and the kids? How is your Mom?
