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Tuesday, October 11, 2011


H. ferried, drove and flew to return from Washington Island today.
H. came home from Washington Island, Wisconsin tonight. And what did he bring with him, along with great stories of five days spent with his five college buddies in a beautiful setting? A lovely song played on the guitar and cheese. Bright orange Cheddar cheese. A small block aged 13 years and a large block aged 5 years.

Don't eat this one, he said about the prized smaller one. That's for us to share with friends.

He got them @ Door County's Renard's Cheese--famous cheesemakers since 1961.

Who knew? H. would go to Wisconsin, Figgy and I to Vermont, and we'd both come back with rich cheese tales. I said to H., though, that we should make something memorable with some of that Cheddar hunk--maybe broccoli-Cheddar quiche or classic southern Cheese Wafers from Charleston Receipts. My mom used to like making us grilled cheese sandwiches with good Cheddar.

Good night.

  1. Rested.
  2. Shampoo and hair mask.
  3. Biked to Private Benjamin appointment and grocery store. Felt good.
  4. Made healthy dinner.
  5. Walked Sug around block once.
  6. Tried to be present.

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