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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Turning Fear into a Force of Good

So I took a big heap of the fear and turned it into a wand of power, to make things better, start settling the seas. I filed and sorted....punched holes and slipped scary papers into a pretty binder. I really feel much better*. Also forced myself to get dressed [in an orange skirt, black sleeveless ribbed sweater and pearl earrings] so I'd have a more can-do and professional attitude. It also helped that my friend and my two cousins [like honorary sisters to Sis and me] called to check in. Good night.

*Am fully aware that there are far scarier things in life than what I'm dealing with. Guess I'm kind of a coward or lightweight. Don't know. Only know that my aim is true.

  1. Boot camp in the soccer dome.
  2. Walked Sug around block once.
  3. Weeded garden and planted hot pink dahlia.
  4. Ate my veggies.
  5. Nap.
  6. Got organized; see above.

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