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Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Norma Jeane & Foster Care

Marilyn Monroe was a foster child.
In spite of myself, I'm finding the foster parent training enlightening...even though we did it about 7 years ago, we're required to do it again because our license expired.

Just three of us in the October evening session in Bloomfield--a mom of several children who wants to start fostering young kids and a dad of several children who, with his wife, recently began fostering their 10-year-old nephew. [H. is doing the next session.] We have two trainers and both have stories that come straight from the heart and guts, the houses and streets of the foster care system. We've tackled topics like discipline vs. punishment, and how it's easier to help change the course of a child's life than to try and fix a broken adult. One of my favorite quotes from the head trainer: The monthly payment is to take care of the child, not for you to go out and buy a Gucci purse. Truth is, a Gucci purse would cost way more, but that statement is one I will remember.

We have eight weekday classes from 5:30 to 9, and it's been tough to patch together child care coverage because H. is traveling so much....tonight, Fig watched Punch.

Well, I want to flop down and read. H. working in D.C., and when I got home around 9 tonight, Punch was not a happy camper.

Good night.

1. Good tooth care
2. Boot camp in the park. Ran up steps 8-plus times.
3. Salon visit.
4. Nap--too short, but at least I caught one.


  1. You are all doing a wonderful thing, Alice. I especially like the quote, "'s easier to help change the course of a child's life than to try and fix a broken adult." I'm proud that you are related to me :) Love, Your cousin

  2. There is always something to learn. And yay you for keeping up with the boot camp! It will only help with the stress

  3. Lin, thank you for saying you're proud of me! And Nan, thank you for the support. love alice
