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Monday, February 17, 2014

From Sea Calm to City Stress

H. thought his MSNBC talk show appearance re. his book was tomorrow 3:40 pm but saw email around 11 this morning in Cape May saying it is today. So we lost our last two hours in the hotel, and another walk on the beach....had to scoot to meet Mimi to get Punch back and zip up the Parkway and Turnpike. He got to 30 Rock on time--3:10 pm--but I got stopped by a cop right away for turning right on Fifth Avenue. Didn't know it was illegal. Antsy Punch and I have been sitting here in a row of other offenders [all in our cars] for like 40 minutes. Goodbye, salt air--and welcome to stress.


  1. Yikes that's tough! And I can feel the stress of the drive to try to make it!

  2. Oh well, Nan, eventually we did get to find a parking deck and walk to Times Square. But that was crazy.
