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Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Upward & Onward--Leaving Farm-Fresh Caramels Behind

I start, I fail, I start again. My road to eating healthfully is rocky [forgive reference to rocky road ice cream, which I fondly remember spooning from a Sealtest carton into bowls, in moderation, with my parents on Saturday nights in the mid 1970s].

I've been sick and feverish most of the day and heading back to bed. I was up in the middle of the night from 2 a.m. to 4 a.m.--with a scratchy throat, and choking--and it wasn't pretty, what happened on the couch in front of the TV with melted Colby cheese, Keebler Club crackers and Lillie Belle Farms artisanal Lavender Fleur de Sel caramels shipped from Oregon. [I ordered them last Monday when there was a Valentine's Day discount, but with all the snow, they didn't arrive until yesterday.] They truly do taste like heaven on earth, soft and buttery and rich, with that little sprinkle of sea salt. But obviously, I'm not at a stage in life where I can enjoy them one per sitting. You live, you learn. If you, however, can monitor yourself, these are the caramels to get.

Good night, sweet dreams.

  1. Hot tea.
  2. Leftover turkey chili. Yum, and lots of good veggies in it.


  1. When he was just 17, my big boy said, "I never eat at the computer or in front of the TV. That way lies madness, the height of unconscious snacking." I do so admire him, but I can't stick to his advice. I think when you compound that with in the middle of the night and feeling bad, of course unfortunate things will happen.

    Feel better!


  2. Nan your boy is very
    Very wise. And you are supportive. Thanks Nan. Love alice
