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Friday, January 6, 2017

Gratitude List

  1. For my friend Michael, who is married to my friend Anne. He and she know why. Wise and calm and insightful. S-m-a-r-t. And lucky me, my loyal friend for 22 years; I met Anne and Michael on the Decamp bus to work in NYC when Anne was expecting Ryan and I was expecting Figgy.
  2. For Maiko, my neighbor, who has Punchy for a sleepover tonight with her daughter, Magnolia. [I love that name.] I am grateful for Maiko and her husband.
  3. For Punchy being so happy and excited to go to the sleepover.
  4. For my Sis. She knows why.
  5. For finishing my work project. I had to slog through a lot! I now know about French spoons, corner spoons, folding spoons and more.....and FYI, those don't fold, but you use them to gently fold ingredients in....
  6. For the fire in our fireplace. I'm about to go lie on the couch now!
  7. For H.'s flexibility today.
  8. For the Lenka organic granola bars I bought today at Crazy Mocha coffee shop on Bloomfield Avenue. I can't lie, I don't like the coffee there. But I love trying new bars, and I got Figgy one of the peanut butter with sea salt. It looks yummy. I had one of the cranberry granola bars, and that was yummy, too. Kind of pricey at $3.29 each but a pretty hearty size. And now I went online and see they are about $2 each when purchased in bulk. I might order some. Depends how high shipping is. 
  9. For Figgy starting her new job at Petco today--her dream job. And for other good things.
Good night to you.

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