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Thursday, February 23, 2017

Still off the Rails

TTY tomorrow.

With love,

  1. Went to Joe's 8 a.m. yoga + restorative class. Yay!
  2. Had a smallish corned beef reuben on rye for early lunch--not Carnegie Deli mile-high, mind you. I once read that sauerkraut curbs cravings when you're hungry, which always makes the humble reuben more attractive. I enjoyed it--toasty, warm and dripping with Russian dressing.
  3. Many tumblers of ice water at my desk.
  4. Just went to Whole Foods and stocked up on filling things I can enjoy: hummus, fish, bananas, peanut butter, grass-fed yogurt and butter, whole-grain bread and for a breakfast treat, some lavender goat cheese to put on the toasted bread.
  5. Got a bag of nice Irving Farm Coffee Roasters blend at LOCAL for us to brew at home. We don't have an espresso machine or, for that matter, a milk frother, and I've been getting into a $4.75 or $5 [plus $1 tip] large, hand-crafted [not Starbucks] latte habit. That's a lotta lettuce, though I don't splurge every day. I can make some nice French-press potfuls at home with the coffee I bought.
  1. That giant, almost pillowy inside Cafe au Lait doughnut from DOUGH in Brooklyn, sold at LOCAL in Montclair. I seemed unable, or unwilling, to resist it. The cafe au lait part is in the icing. And I succumbed after yoga class! What's wrong with this picture? Virtue vs. villain. One trap: I hadn't eaten breakfast, because I can't before yoga--so I was hungry.
  2. The Ritter milk chocolate espresso bar [serves 2], bought at Watchung Deli when I went in for the reuben. I have not succumbed to one of those bars in years! I have to say it was delicious. But it was as though that high and mighty doughnut with its lofty, white angel-food-cake like interior paved the way to hell. I ate almost every sweet that wasn't nailed down after that.
  3. The TWO Think Thin chocolate PB protein bars. One was nice and soft and inviting, so I had two.
  4. The many homemade hazelnut vanilla biscotti I devoured.
  5. I did not get out and exercise.

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