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Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Hot, Hot, Hot

In my office, just submitted an article about art workshops that help people with Parkinson's.

So darn hot. Must get up to A.C.  Good night.

  1. Punchy and I saw Miss Aliya Warren for coffee at Starbucks. She is the angel we met in Punchy's classroom when she was in kindergarten. She was/still is a godsend. It was a gift to see her. She is young, beautiful and energetic. She is black and we are white. We talk about the terrible things happening in the black community now. 
  2. Ice water galore.
  3. Tomato.
  4. Trying to talk directly to Punchy about hard things, and when she asks tricky questions [her friend told her the word 'lube,' as in vaginal lubricant]. That was a tough one. We are getting along pretty well.


  1. Heat and deadline and re-entry pressures after camp -that some Monday! Good work! Chill... (hee)

    1. Liz, thank you for being an upbeat and encouraging person. As my husband likes to quote the line from "Groundhog Day," "Gee, you're an upbeat lady." LOL thanks friend
