I didn’t do my work today and I’m not happy about that.
I slept a lot, Sug curled by my side.
I had emails to send for articles, a project to complete and a pitch to send, and I couldn’t get myself dressed and ready to do it.
I was legitimately tired, could not fall asleep til near 2 a.m. [fighting an impending cold, I had napped yesterday]. And I was upset about a couple of things. Instead of trusting that I could face them calmly, eye to eye, I felt defeated--before the battles were even fully underway. And maybe they don’t have to be battles but just negotiations, and civil ones.
I often assume a prone position when I am upset. Then I feel like a failure after resting too much.
Tomorrow is a fresh day.
Anyway, after a shower and shampoo and the arrival of the schoolbus at 4, things perked up. They always do when shopping is involved, even if it’s for groceries. I went w Punch and bought ingredients to make two good recipes from Melissa Clark’s In the Kitchen with a Good Appetite. Plan to make this weekend.
By 6 p.m., we were in Paterson near this historic castle w. Punchy’s friend. Dan took a short run and we explored a little. Pretty place. We’ve been there before, w young Fig.
Good night to you.
- That shower and shampoo.
- The healthy ingredients bought and recipes planned.
- The view from the castle.
- Seeing my Heavenly Blue Morning Glories finally in bloom. I planted the seeds months ago.
- Broccoli.
- Baby spinach [in tacos supper I made].
- I miss yoga and my back hurts when I roll over in bed. But my fave teacher’s classes are 8 a.m. Setting alarm for 7, hope to make it.
Hang in there! Happy Saturday!