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Saturday, October 27, 2018

Signs of Miami 

  1. Left monsoon in NJ, wind whipping Hello Kitty umbrella at Newark Airport. Arrived after 3-hour flight to sunshine and 85 degrees.
  2. Palm trees.
  3. Many huge cruise ships in the water as we came in for a landing.
  4. Tres Leches [Three Milk pudding] w a big dollop of swirly whipped cream/creme for sale at Cuban Cafe Versailles in the airport. Resisted.
  5. A long, long, long way to schlep with luggage from baggage claim to big airport Rental Car Center.
  6. I’m w organized Sis, who remembers everything and packs efficiently. She even had a little light blue tube of Estée Lauder Perfectly Clean cleanser. Smelled so good, felt so pampered.

Good night. Palm Beach for brunch tomorrow, then back to Miami. Xxoo


  1. West Palm Beach is where John lives... if you see a handsome young man with Peter’s cheekbones and Irish deep blue eyes in a battered black Camry with a kayak on top and a dog beside him, blow a kiss from his mom!
    Miami is on my wish list...

    1. Hi. I’m observant. I will look for that! He sounds wonderful. What an image! You have a writer’s eye.
