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Thursday, December 20, 2018


Life is already full speed ahead. I don’t make time for yoga or walks much anymore, and I plan to change that. Add a heaping helping of Christmas, shopping/spending/planning/trying to please everyone’s inner child, and it feels crazy.

I took a bath today with lavender Epsom salts, and that helped. Put on a dress and Wolford tights, filled my coffee cup and drove to the fifth-grade holiday party with cheery red poinsettias, my contribution to the holiday food table.

It’s a stressful time of year. Our tree fell over, as it does many years. Some ornaments broke when it crashed to the floor. Then Dan looped a string around a back branch and tied the other end of the string to a nail in the wall--as he has also done other years.

But the pretty china Laura Ashley ornament that I bought as a newlywed shattered in tiny pieces, Fortunately, Dan was again able to reglue the legs to the torso of the exquisite pink ballerina I found at Bergdorf Goodman, a keepsake for Baby Figgy.

I’ve been indulging in sweets, chocolate mainly, if it’s in my midst and not nailed down.

Not good, if I want to stay healthy and even-tempered. In my case, tasting lemon ricotta cookie dough leads later to a Starbucks cookie pop, a peanut butter cupcake and a really good vegan brownie from Mundo Vegan on Church Street in Montclair. I’m not vegan; I just go for the brownie.

I’ve been running, running, exercising my index finger to press PLACE ORDER, My face goes unwashed, I get lazy about dental care.

Trying to remember that peace, joy, light, hope and kindness are the reasons for the season, and that spending, celebrating and indulging doesn’t have to spiral out of control.

Tomorrow is another day. Good night.


  1. Alice, sorry no fun for you. I had chocolate crash yesterday too. Having bad time with comments this week.

    1. Hi Liz. Thanks for your note. I guess the fact that the stores are packed with foil-wrapped chocolates of every size, shape, cacao % and stripe doesn’t help. Overload everywhere you turn. Even Whole Foods, with giant fill-your-tin cookie bar and bakery case, plus chocolate aisle. Sigh. Xxoo
