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Monday, January 4, 2021

Up in Dark for Quick Walk

Coffee image cribbed from coffee (+ cancer) story, which I have not read. (Note to Celia and Dan: Another news story about what coffee can and can't do.)

Here is the link I like:

I'm not sure I can make a habit of waiting 30 min after wakeup for morning coffee, or that I can (ever) limit it to one cup per day*, but I hope to take a quick walk every morning before Punchy's schoolday starts at 7:50 a.m.

I like the advice in this short article.

Have a good one. 

*In my efforts to skirt sweets, I have embraced coffee. And the foodie in me loves it--searching out craft blends, organic half and half, cute cups etc. Coffee is my friend now, about 2 cups in the morning and one in the afternoon. That's a lot for someone who never liked coffee much (until Starbucks hit NYC in the late 1990s, and lured me in with whipped cream, caramel syrup and that trendy cup, plus dark chocolate dipped graham crackers, which I know from a press tour were originally made by exquisite Lake Champlain Chocolates in Vermont!).


  1. one of the things I want to experiment with when F goes uptown Kingston is getting up very early (for me). I don't mind being along during the days, but nighttime is not my fave, so I figure let's give myself more day and less night! Bed at 9:30 up at 5! I'm not sure how it will go, but I'm very interested to try. And getting my 30 minute walk in was part of the plan! Interested to see how your plan goes.

  2. Those mornings I’m up and at ‘em early feel special- I like being up early, I hope it works for you!

  3. Hi friends. Well, I got up at 6 a.m. and it is 10:34 a.m. and I still have not taken my 30-minute walk. I have been busy getting P to remote school classes, sending a form to the school, drinking coffee and writing. Also, article revise due back to editor at 4 p.m. I am determined to walk before noon. LOVE Alice

  4. Coffee can do everything!

  5. I used to jog at 6:30 am when I was working, my motivation was Greg and Bailey would meet me part way on my way back.

    1. Meggy, wow, that is so great...sounds fun to meet Greg and Bailey! After Annie was born and I was still working in NYC, I walked in the mornings before she woke up. Maureen joined me a lot, because back then, she also lived in Montclair. Now I’m finding it much harder to be motivated....sending love. Alice
