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Thursday, March 18, 2021

Sofa Cinema: Beatles Movie Tonight

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Oh, this empty nest feeling is so very, very different and peaceful, even if it might be/could be/likely will be? temporary.

Instead of wrangling someone to put down her cell phone and get into bed, we can do whatever we want.

It got to the point here where everything was a battle. 

Tonight, my choice: A Beatles movie. I don’t think I’ve ever seen one.

Possible picks:

  • A Hard Day’s Night, 1964.
  • Help!, 1965.
  • Magical Mystery Tour, 1967.
  • Yellow Submarine, 1968.
Today I wrote hard; attended a NextTribe (for women 45 and over) Zoom event with Cathie Black and other power authors about gendered ageism/power moms/re-entering the workforce; enjoyed Chinese dinner delivery with Dan; watched some episodes of "The Doris Day Show" on TV 1968 to 1973.

Good night.


  1. I remember you had a brief time with an empty nest some years ago, and then unexpectedly had two daughters with you fairly suddenly. Parenting is never done, it’ll last your whole life, but so glad you can relax in this respite. Stretch and think, what do you want?


  2. So glad you have this time. Even if it proves temporary, you will more easily remember that it IS coming down the road. And I vote Hard Day's Night.
