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Monday, April 5, 2021

Bedtime Reading: Melissa McCarthy

Heading upstairs to read this April 2021 issue. Magazines are thinner and flimsy these days, and you can find so much on the web, from pie recipes to essays, pink couches to tea towels. Truly, IDK how much longer beloved magazines can make it...a dying breed...but still they stand at the checkout line, like brave soldiers or determined 1950s housewives, apron on, wood spoon in hand. 

I have loved buying magazines at airport shops (settling in with a good read distracts you from cramped coach seating and stale cabin air), but with air travel down in the pandemic, it’s been a double whammy for the publishers.

But I invested in this one. I picked it up and put it down at Whole Foods (on a budget) but had a little more cash at Kings six days later. The issue was still on my mind, and I still wanted to hold it in my hands and read it, you know? Such a lovely cover, with the colors...have to find out what she is wearing.

Melissa must sell a lot of copies....I love her as funny, pretty chef Sookie St. James in “Gilmore Girls” and as Molly in “Mike & Molly” (they meet at an OA meeting). I’ve watched both shows in reruns. And she and the rest of the “Bridesmaids” movie cast are so good. Some bathroom humor, but hilarious, touching story. I already know a lot about her from other magazine stories but can’t wait to catch up on new details. And the truth is, it’s compelling to read about a full-figured, life-size, beautiful woman/actress/wife/mother and see where she’s at on her journey. Here I go.

Good night.


  1. I used to love magazines for airplanes, and in my 20s and thirties I flew a lot! My onboard briefcase had a zip compartment on the side that was perfect to hold 3-4 glossy publications. Short articles were perfect for waiting to be called for boarding when you couldn’t afford to be distracted by being absorbed in a book. Between Chicago and either New York or Denver (my most common routes) I could go through the ones that had stacked up at home and then jettison them for the return trip, lightening my load. But I stopped subscribing in the past few years, because they just piled up at home. But the iPad isn’t the same, and a couple of times a year I indulge at the supermarket.

    1. Nan, exactly. Magazines are a big part of our history.....I love the briefcase....and all the travel you got to do (and I hope will do again, more selectively). xo Alice

  2. I am jettisoning a lot of my old Martha Stewart Living. I have every issue since the beginning through, I dunno, 2017. that's decades of issues! I'm keeping the first issues (I think the 1990s). they were fresh with unique ideas and perspectives on home keeping. I love them! But that's stlll a lot of old Marthas to off-load. I'm giving them away in batches on the Buy Nothing site. But first, I'm going through them for inspo and really it's a delight. the photography, the lushness. Nothing like a real mag. But I am part of the problem, for sure. I am down to only one subscription--New York Mag, which I often am behind on. I used to subscribe to so many: Country Living (don't scoff, they had wonderful ideas!), Eating Well, SAveur, Edible Brooklyn, various health mags. Martha, of course. Def end of an era. Though I do read more of the Atlantic and New Yorker than I ever did thru online sources. so I dunno. you always lose something and gain something with every change, right?

    1. Kim, I know of your love for the Martha magazines. Did you know she grew up in Nutley, a town over from me? Dan tries to get me to edit down my magazines but I simply cannot let some go--the covers were so beautiful, promising, inviting us into another world, you know? I recall you telling me about Eating Well and I like that one, too. Saveur (sp) is very good. The Edible mags, superior. I also read much more of The New Yorker now that it’s online. But NY Magazine--what do you like most about that one? Love Alice

  3. I miss magazines for fashion and house design visuals. The internet gives me plenty of text, but the professional photography and size of the displays are not replaceable. But I am also part of the problem, I stopped paper subscriptions of mags that went unread... Also a fan of McCarthy.

    1. Yes...did/does Mum like any mags? So true...the pages and pages of glossy photography....especially for home design, food and fashion....really aspirational/inspirationa. My mother only subscribed to The New Yorker! When she had a rare subscription to Better Homes & Gardens, I loved looking at the food photos....have a good day, Liz. Love Alice
