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Wednesday, March 15, 2023

If J.Lo Shirks Caffeine, Maybe I Should, Too?

I’ve now read in a couple of places that gorgeous, shapely, fit J.Lo does not let caffeine enter her beautiful body and has not done so for decades. The woman is 53, for goodness sake, and looks like a goddess. I wonder if she ever has decaf, or herbal tea?

Now, I definitely do not get up anywhere close to 5 a.m. to run on a beach, as Jenny from the Block sometimes does, or to run anywhere else, for that matter. I do not have a fitness or beauty routine--or disciplined meal plan--that approaches hers even a tiny bit.

Yet I do the opposite, drinking a fair amount of coffee--say, 3 or more mugfuls per day, mostly at home. As I try to avoid refined sugar sweets and treats, I have upped my coffee-as-treat game. I get good beans (organic and fair trade if possible), add half and half, organic milk and/or a splash of organic heavy cream. Diet coach nightmare. It is quite a decadent cupful. Sometimes I sip it out of our wedding china, or my parents’ wedding china, and that’s fun, too. (Gosh, the coffee portions are so much smaller in formal china cups.)

I read in W Magazine that the effects of coffee are controversial. Some experts say the antioxidants in caffeine are good for the skin. Others ponder that if coffee is feeding a stress cycle, cortisol levels could be higher, not good for the complexion. 

But J.Lo, she drinks water all day. Water and water and water, but sometimes a healthy smoothie in the morning.

I’m just saying. Is J.Lo on to something with that no caffeine? I mean, she is stunningly youthful and her skin looks so smooth. Should I put down one of my three cups, to start?

Time for a soothing bubble bath. See, I like beauty routines that involve putting my tired body in a tub and lying there, doing nothing. Haha. LOL.


  1. I love my 16 oz (or less) of morning coffee and see no need to cut it. I could see lots of caffeine jangling a high stress nervous system, but I’m not there. In fact, my neurologist says I’m at the sweet spot for migraines- some coffee helps avert them, but too much can aggravate them. So you’ll not pry my daily mug out of my desperate hands!

    1. Hi friend. I trust all is going well, Nan, on your adventure and I am glad you posted here. That is good news re what neurologist said re coffee and migraines and being in the sweet spot. I still remember that hella good cup of coffee I had at your B&B. :) Have fun.

  2. I have a couple of coworkers who don't consume caffeine, either. I can't even fathom life without coffee! (Or tea, in a pinch.)

    1. Right, Ellen? Hard to imagine....

  3. I love coffee but it doesn’t love me. Causes dry and blotchy skin, irritates digestion/ sour stomach, yellow teeth, bad breath, makes me jittery. I let it creep up during the pandemic and now cutting it to 2 cups with goal of getting to 1 cup daily. I drink a lot of water a- good for skin, digestion, but it gets boring. Just ordered some of the Pukka tea Kim recced. We shall see!

  4. Wow, Liz, cutting it down. Hmmm. Yes, I wonder about doing that myself. I think a lot of us let our coffee consumption creep up during the pandemic, now that you mention it. The java was so comforting at home....our world was in lockdown but our coffee flowed freely. I wish you an early Happy Saint Patrick’s Day. Dan makes my Irish grandmother Alice’s soda bread recipe (almost) every March 17 and will do that tomorrow morning. xxl

  5. no xxl I meant xxo

  6. P.S. unless Dan was planning on baking a jumbo soda bread :)

  7. Ha! And happy st pats to you
