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Friday, June 7, 2024

Cleaning House 🧽 🧽 🚿 🚿 & False Alarm

Last day, rub, scrub, dust, sweep up any sand at the family house, built in 1979. Shake the throw rug outdoors. (Sis did).

But not until after the two-hour Early Bird Walk 8 a.m. at the Sanctuary. So great. Purple Martins, Baltimore Orioles, Snowy Egrets, osprey nest, terns, ducks, willets, turkey vultures, painted turtles, frogs, fiddler crabs, beautiful marshland and sea grass. A wonderful naturalist leading us, young, enthusiastic and deeply smart David. As if on cue, there were moments I saw as Oh look, binoculars up, everyone in unison! David set up his scope on a tripod so we could take a close peek. So cool. And we had a couple all the way from Austria in our group of 12. The fellow had flown to the U.S. with his scope and tripod.

Meg did so much cleaning! Vacuuming, doing the whole bathroom. She was like a white tornado whipping through. Her husband, Greg, put the white lace Victorian curtains from Cape May back in place. (Fun-loving doggy, Galena, pulled at them when we left her in the house for dinner Monday.) Meg and Greg parted by noon for Vermont. 

Sis and I are still at it, Windexing, unloading last dishwasher load, taking off our bedsheets, vacuuming more, packing up fridge, hauling out garbage and recycling to dispose of in Connecticut vs. going to the dump here and paying, overstuffing the car, packing up doggy bed, mini crate, her food and other necessities. One of us (I) may have childishly overpacked. I should probably change that.

Great news, we talked to Will and still time to come up to house at least once again this summer, he said.


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