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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Magazine Post: Check My Article in ShopSmart Magazine

My research for the December issue involved hunting down
experts to solve entertaining dilemmas--from a seating shortage
to how to send home leftovers stylishly*.
I worked really hard on this article and like the way it came out. It was my first assignment for ShopSmart Magazine, the younger sister publication to Consumer Reports. My editor was tireless in her search for every detail, as every good editor is. So was I.

Was on Cape Cod on vacation with H. and Figgy in August when it started, balancing my notepad on top of my beach bag near the lighthouse in Chatham, breeze blowing, sun baking, cell phone pressed to my ear, to set up the interviews with the experts who shared inside advice for an article on page 38 called Ready for anything! Quick Fixes for Spills, Stains and Other Party Snafus. Because if  you don't take the first step, and line up the interviews so that you can get your answers and write your story to meet your deadline, you're sunk before the ship even leaves the port. All glory comes from daring to begin.

You can find the issue @ Barnes & Noble; I also found it in Shop Rite. Links: and

*Use Chinese takeout containers, my sources said.


  1. Chinese take-out idea is cute. We always buy foil pie tins and fill those up and cover with foil, but the take-out is really cute. I'd love to read your article. I'll keep an eye out! The whole mag looks like fun, what I could see of it online.

  2. Will definitely pick up the magazine for your article, and of course pass it along to your biggest fan, my mom. Love, Linda

  3. Hi Kim--the entertaining-book authors I interviewed said you can find Chinese takeout containers in pretty colors, and I think to get the waxed ones so food doesn't seep through. have a great holiday! Lin, it's b/c of you and Aunt Edith that I put up this post. Thank you for caring. Oh, I should have said that this mag does not put author's byline on articles--instead, writers are listed under contributors on masthead page. love alice happy thanksgiving running to visit Papa with some baby Swiss cheese and apple bread now.
