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Monday, November 22, 2010

Not a Happy Color

Crayon color names are so much more sophisticated now--
Vivid Tangerine, Burnt Sienna.
But today, I am bland at best. 
So, our brand-new dishwasher isn't working--the electric is on, but the water part isn't in gear. No front desk to call, no maintenance crew to scoot right up! Grrrrrrrr. Told you, we were completely spoiled at AVE Clifton.

I always love to make pies for Thanksgiving, whether I'm in Maine or NJ. Dutch apple, pecan. Sis makes the best pumpkin. I asked Dad what kind he wants me to bring him and he said Key Lime.  I also wanted to make a couple of pies to drop off Friday at the Montclair church where my friend Anne now works, which runs Toni's Kitchen to feed the hungry:

But in order to make a pie, I would have to be able to run about three loads of dishes first. Some of them are covered with dust from the work, others are just dirty.

I hope I don't suffer writer's block here. I will be so distracted with all of this grungy housework. Boxes, boxes everywhere since our entire house was packed out and then packed in again.

Not to be too dark, but if I were a color in the Crayola crayon box right now, I would not be a happy color, like Carnation Pink or Granny Smith Apple. I might be plain boring Tan, just waiting for someone to draw me Jazzberry Jam lips, a top bun with a Pacific Blue bow and a strand of chunky Lavender-dipped pearls. [Link to an awesome guide to Crayola colors:]

Maybe that's my answer--accessorize ASAP.


  1. Alice, moving is stressful under any circumstance. Hang in there, and don't put too many tasks on your calendar. (((Hug)))

  2. There is a lot to plow through. I know, as someone who has moved six times, how much work unpacking can be! But remember…you can only do what you can do. At around move #3, I realized that it was helpful to develop a plan of attack. As an inexperienced unpacker I wasted so much time running around from room to room, doing little things here and there, nothing seemed like it got accomplished (but at least I had more energy back then, as I was much younger). I hope you get your dishwasher fixed soon. That’s pretty important in the order of getting things put away, especially for a cook! Love, Linda

  3. Dear Alice,how tough moving and then trying to prepare for a holiday.Take Linda's advice and just be patient with whatever results happen.Have a happy holiday in your new/old home.
    Please send our good wishes to your Dad.He is in my prayers.
    Love Aunt Ann

  4. Dear Eileen, Lin and Aunt Ann....thank you for your advice......don't put too much on calendar.....devise plan of patient.....truly, thank you. love alice
