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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Hello and Goodbye

Just popping by for a minute. H. has to leave for a job by 6:30 A.M. and I have to set my alarm for 6:50 to be sure Figgy is up and on track for school.

So I have to go to sleep! Rough day in some ways, good one in others. I don't feel like talking about it.

Good night.

  1. Walked Sug around Anderson Park once and around block once.
  2. Got to P.O. to mail some stuff. Felt good.
  3. Private Benjamin. Trusted counselor gently suggested [again] that I check out Overeaters Anonymous--Because the overeating is not about the food, he said. We know that. It's never about the food. I once did look into it, but I think the closest meeting time conflicted with boot camp schedule. Will check again. Am afraid, but cannot hurt to check. Right?
  4. Enjoyed nice dinner Figgy cooked us tonight--chicken pan-browned with fresh grated ginger [leftover salmon for H.]; slow-roasted butternut squash chunks with a drizzle of maple syrup; and brown rice with feta and tomatoes.
  5. About to take nice shower with shower cream my college roommate Meggy sent me from Vermont for my birthday!

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