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Thursday, February 23, 2012

My First Cheese Curds

Sis and H. told me about cheese curds this summer, when they were traveling [separately] through Wisconsin. Here at the Green Bay airport, I just had my first taste. Our press escort, Traci, recommended the Wisconsin breaded cheese curds with ranch dressing [$6.89 at an airport eatery]. They were golden brown, melty-soft and good. Four of us shared one order, nibbling. Come to me, my love, Traci joked when she took one.

I guess the closest thing we have to them back where I come from is fried mozzarella sticks.

Then I went to Cheese Shop, A Taste of Northern Wisconsin here in the airport--we're waiting for another writer's flight to arrive--and saw so much queso for sale. CHEESE AND SAUSAGE CAN BE CARRIED ON, one sign out front said. FRESH CHEESE CURDS TODAY said another. Saw everything from square blocks [a slice would be nice on a barbecued burger back in NJ] to cow-shaped Cheddars [4-ounce, $4.99; I bought one to bring home, thinking of Figgy and Punch]. And summer sausage shaped like a football and treats [or should I leave my typo, threats] from Door County Sister's Sweets. Short pretzel logs dipped in so much chocolate, they look like drumsticks. Tried the milk chocolate ones.

More later.


  1. You're in Wisconsin now!!!! Enjoyed cheese curds when I visited Yasi. And they love ranch on EVERYTHING!

  2. Alice, you probably don't know I lived in Chicago for more than a decade. I made several trips to Door County, mostly in the winter for cross country skiing. You are definitely in for a treat. But I never actually had any cheese curds. You make them would great! Sometimes your job is just so cool!

  3. Kim: I was thinking of you guys and your the plane touched down in Green Bay...wondering how she switches back between Brooklyn and Wisconsin and loves them both....please send her my, I didn't know you lived in Chicago. What a great city. But guess what, no snow here, though there is some ice on the water so a couple of the guy journalists on the trip have chosen to go ice fishing at the crack of dawn tomorrow. Not me....but I did hope to's ok, we will hike instead....but Nan, to balance my job sounding cool is the times when we can't pay for a heating oil alice
