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Friday, March 16, 2012

Breath of Fresh Air

Today I went into NYC for a work appointment and then I met my friend Kim. We've been friends since we were young editorial assistants in the women's magazine world....and we still have so much to chat about*. How lovely to see her again over cappuccino.

My world has been shrinking lately, and zipping into NYC meant glimpsing the larger, moving, pulsating, vibrant universe: Riding the bus, being in the Port Authority, walking on Seventh Avenue, seeing the skyscrapers, being a cog in a bigger wheel. As I was walking, I passed a woman in black leggings who was crying into her cell phone, and talking to someone. Her face was distorted with tears, you know, kind of squeezed and stretched. I recognized that look because I've seen it on myself. I couldn't help but wonder. Had she just learned that she had a miscarriage? Had a parent died? Did she have her heart broken? Had she just been diagnosed with breast cancer? She was holding a piece of paper that looked like a lab report and I heard her say something like Should I call the doctor? To whom was she talking? Husband, sister, friend? Therapist?

I had to pay the piper for my NYC break and work tonight, from about 9:30 till now. It's okay. I liked writing about this really amazing shoe and handbag repair place called Rago Brothers, founded 101 years ago by two brothers from Italy. I toured it the other day, and found it amazing to be in what is virtually a designer accessory hospital for every brand from Chanel to Prada, Burberry to Jimmy Choo.

I'm so going there next time my shoes break down, which is often. Good night.

*I posted this last night when I was tired. I see now that I could have been more forthcoming. It's not like we were just chatting about pass the sugar. When we were young, Kim and I talked about our bosses and our boyfriends and our wedding dresses. Things I tend to talk about now--regarding my life--ain't quite so pretty. Kim is a good and caring friend.

  1. I actually had yogurt, granola and fresh raspberries for breakfast. Yum. Think I will repeat tomorrow.
  2. Walked from Port Authority to Seventh Avenue and 18th Street--and back.
  3. Saw my pal Kim. A lengthy visit with an old friend is truly a gift.