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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Marshmallow Matters vs. Rock-Candy Weights

My friend Patsy and I shared a shake made with one packet, PB, skim milk and ice. Yum!
One day I will blog again about deep thoughts, inner issues, struggles, goals and dreams. But right now, I'm just getting through one day at at time, and trying hard to find a graceful way to do it. So forgive me if my posts are life's course is anything but marshmallowy at the moment, but I'm not at liberty to discuss the details of the rocky road in this public forum. Just please know how glad I am that you care enough to keep reading. Merci.

Good night.

  1. Boot camp in the park. Yay.
  2. Nice visit with Patsy, who made me a yummy peanut butter protein shake. Shake mix sold at GNC and other places.
  3. Private Benjamin.
  4. Quick game of Monopoly with Figgy and H. Fun. Drat them both for snapping up the ritzy yellow and blue properties.
  5. Put away lots of clean wash.


  1. Oh yes, we're here and in your corner. And super yay for boot camp!

  2. I check in every day, Alice – I always will. All the best. Love, Lin

  3. You know I am a devoted reader!
