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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Must Sleep

Heading to bed. Tired. Busy day. Lots of juggling and planning. No rest. Good night.

  1. Salon blow-dry. Did do that.
  2. Bought twin pack of Twinkies from a vending machine--why, why?--and threw one of the blonde beasts out. Not very tasty, rather like a gummy, saccharin sponge, and all chemicals, to boot.
  3. Picked up and put down bottle of rich chocolate milk in cafeteria. Got free tall soda cup of ice water. That felt good. Refreshing.
  4. Picked up and put down six-pack of chocolate-dunked Oreos in gift shop. Got three penny gumdrops instead.
  5. Looked at sunset. Pretty.
  6. One day at a time.

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