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Monday, March 12, 2012

Life as a Series of Unhealthy Paradoxes

  • We want our country to be fitter but we roll out car after car with multiple cup holders, the better to accommodate our drive-through visits to Dunkin' Donuts, Starbucks and McDonald's.
  • We want to target the readers who buy magazines, but that means putting conflicting messages on the same cover: "Lose 10 Pounds Fast" and "Prizewinning Pies."
  • We want to be green but we also want the convenience of things we can tuck in our backpacks and purses: plastic bottles of water, little shots of Naked juice, mini yogurt cups. All packaged in materials that we have to remember to recycle.
  • We want our lovely young daughters and sons to take pride in and love themselves as a whole--their bodies, their brains, their talent, their hearts--yet we raise them in a society that puts a high premium on skinny-skinny and markets jeans in size 00.
  • We want to sit on the couch and watch a gazillion cooking shows but some of us never get to the store and into the kitchen to fix our families healthy meals.
  • We want to have real heroes and role models but more often than not, the only stargazing we do is in front of the idiot box, watching the fictional women of Wisteria Lane. Who are famously attractive and thin.
  1. Boot camp in the park, gorgeous day.
  2. Hot bubble bath.
  3. Lots of ice water.
  4. Thinking, thinking: one day at a time. Have to start somewhere, even if it's with a feeling of fullness.
  5. Going to bed now.