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Sunday, June 10, 2012

Folding Towels with The Man in Black

Johnny Cash speaks my language. He's shown here with June Carter Cash.
I love Johnny Cash's music because his vulnerability as a struggling human being comes through. Raw talent, yes, and gravelly, heartbreaking magic....but knowing that he had to walk the line and clean up his act for June Carter Cash is intriguing. He wrestled with his own demons....and lived to tell about it. I played him loud today as I folded the laundry and scrubbed the bathroom. And he helped.

I also like Adele's "Rolling In the Deep"--love the way she belts out we could have had it all. Want to get her CD.

Good night.

  1. Cleaned, to clear the decks to do other work [not manual labor] starting Monday.
  2. Long overdue pedicure. Felt great.
  3. Walked Sug for about 40 minutes.
  4. Nap.
  5. Made chicken in skillet for dinner.
  6. Mapped out directions to get to support group in A.M.

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