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Friday, June 15, 2012

Home Again

Back in Montclair, with time enough to see H. a little, do some wash, catch Figgy and her friends cuddled up on the couch to watch "The Shining" and walk Sug around the block. I'm leaving 6 A.M. for Cape Cod on girls' trip. Back Tuesday. Will report in.

It was a smooth flight home, with a few fun wrinkles:
  • A pretty woman from Pennsylvania was pulled aside on the security line in front of me at little Cherry Capital Airport in Traverse City, Michigan--she was taking home several chicken potpies, if I heard right, from The Grand Traverse Pie Company. The TSA women were discussing among themselves whether the potpies would be considered liquid, because of the soupy filling--but I think they were frozen, so they whisked through after inspection. I can't believe I missed a pie shop! Careless me. But I don't see chicken potpie online....I do see peanut butter, mocha, butterscotch and many cherry kinds....
  • A man flying from Detroit to Newark was wearing a big peaked straw hat, obviously from the exotic island he had just visited. Colorful, cute. Seemed like something out of a movie.
  • I think I kept my fellow passengers up on the home flight to NJ--I snore really loudly. I also woke up once leaning on my male seatmate. I thank them for their patience.
  1. Made a necessary phone call re. support for Figgy from Michigan hotel room--sometimes, TCO Figgy feels like TCO me. I don't think the two are unrelated. The reverse is certainly true: When I take care of myself, I can better care for Fig.
  2. Stared down Oreos @ supermarket.
  3. Walked my Sug.

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