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Saturday, June 23, 2012


I wish I could blog about something significant, but it's too private, so I can't. But it's changing me. Good night.

  1. Support group.
  2. Went to Montclair Farmers Market on Walnut Street. Bought a big tomato, fresh pesto and crunchy new pickles. Sampled olives from the Pickle Licious stand, too.
  3. Long walk with Sug, then short walk with her. Gorgeous day. Stopped to watch brook run.
  4. Weeded around our flowers, treated the rosebush. Roses are so intricate and beautiful, but so susceptible to spotting, rusting, fungus and insects. Beautiful women are complicated, too, and it takes a lot to thrive. Prickly thorns protect us--the better to keep you at arm's length. We bask in the sun and we don't like to get mired in mud and rain. We also like to be fed well. And admired.
  5. Actually ate some vegetables, and mopped the kitchen floor. H. is away for a few days on Washington Island off Wisconsin with his college friends, a trip he takes every year...he deserves a nice break....and I like the time and space, too.
  6. Read, napped.
  7. Watched fluffy 1960s movie.

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