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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Little Green Diary: Sizzling Summer in Dumont

I never was very comfortable with being angry. Though, for better or worse, I have improved. Also: If you grew up in Dumont back then, you will understand that the sidewalk sale was the most exciting thing next to the June parish carnival. Could not afford to miss it!

July 11, 1973 [age 12 1/2]: I'm mad! This may sound silly, but I might have to miss the sidewalk sale to go to the dumb beach! [I went in Lynn's pool.]

July 12, 1973 Everything worked out perfectly! I missed typing class and went to the sidewalk sale and got: a bracelet, sugar daddy, book, went on 2 rides, free key chain, lollipops, ice cream and shopping bag. Then I went to Rockaway on the subway with Mom & Sis! It was fun. [I went with I., Don., Lynn and Kar. to sidewalk sale.]

July 11, 1974 [age 13 1/2]: Met Sue B. at Dumont sidewalk sale. Wasn't too good. I went to Rockland Lake. We went in the pool there. Guess what? For the 1st time in my life, I got stung by a bee. [I hope all the black thing is out, though.] Saw Linda.

Good night.

  1. Boot camp in the park.
  2. Took steps toward financial fitness.
  3. Read, took nap.
  4. Made balanced dinner. 
  5. Took Sug on long walk.

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