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Thursday, July 12, 2012

Summer in the City

Into NYC for a business meeting....with a man who may hire me to write up his life story in a book of some sort. His story is fascinating, if I can craft it the right way. We lunched @ Eataly on 23rd Street and Fifth Avenue. I've never been to that bustling marketplace of everything Italian, from sausage to cheese, even secret beauty products, but Sis has praised it for a while [she works kind of nearby].

Once again, this journey in reminded me how much I always enjoyed working in New York--and will want to again.

Signs of summer in the city:
  • Noticed more tourists than usual [if that's even possible, since Christmas is jam-packed], including the nice family of four who needed help using the MetroCard machine at the Port Authority. They weren't from another country, just another part of America--which can seem like another country when faced with the NYC subway system.
  • Camis, slip dresses, maxis, T-strap sandals, including some pretty silver ones...
  • Men in sylin' footwear too, like bright green Docksiders with solid-color pants! Loved that.
  • Lots of iced coffees as the cool handheld accessory of choice.
  • Desperate for ice water.
Good night.
  1. Frothy bus reading: Vintage copy of Sex and the Single Girl by Helen Gurley Brown, copyright 1962, bought at neighborhood yard sale. True period piece, engaging writing style.
  2. Long walk in NYC.
  3. Nap and reading.
  4. Walked Sug around block once.