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Monday, November 12, 2012

Rolling: Hitchcock's Obsession

Sienna Miller stars in "The Girl," an HBO Film.
You know how much I adore Alfred Hitchcock films--"Rear Window" is so textured and rich and we love to watch "The Birds" with John and Leah in December up in Maine, a quirky tradition we've embraced. Tippi Hedren [now the mother of Melanie Griffith and mother-in-law to Antonio Banderas] is just so perfect as the California socialite who gets caught in the thick of the winged nightmare--and so pretty, so chic. In "Rear Window," Grace Kelly is purely stylish.

I hate horror movies that give me nightmares, and Hitchcock's "Psycho" kind of does. But his other films are more like brilliant puzzles. And it turns out, he was obsessed with his blonde starlets.

Above, Sienna Miller as a dead ringer for Tippi Hedren in "The Girl," an  HBO film I watched Saturday night on my couch with Sug when H. was out working and Figgy was upstairs with her friends, being a teenager. I loved it so much that I begged H. and Fig to watch it with me again. At 9 P.M., it's rolling in our living room. It's all about Hitch's suffocating obsession with Tippi, who starred in both "The Birds" and "Marnie." The HBO acting is excellent and the details, so vivid. I love details.

And: November 23, the movie "Hitchcock" opens in theaters, starring Anthony Hopkins and, as his wife, Helen Mirren. Can't wait. Eleven days!

Signing off now b/c have to do a quick grocery run and dishes and then settle in for the show.

Good night.

  1. Boot camp in the park.
  2. Walked puff around the block once.

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