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Saturday, June 9, 2012

Dinner @ 11 in Williamsburg

I've never been to Williamsburg, Brooklyn, but Figgy begged us for weeks to go with her good friend from Montclair to his graduation party there tonight. Five bands played at a space across from the old Domino Sugar refinery on Kent Avenue. Fig had asked to sleep over [as her friend was, with his friends], but we said no. So that meant that though they took the NJ Transit train and two subways to get to the party, we were picking her up.

Fig left Montclair on a 5:18 train, but we didn't drive in until 9 P.M. H. had hunted online and found a place called Aurora @ 70 Grand Street. It was enchanting. Little white lights and stylish people--twentysomething women in pleated or lacy dresses and summery wedge sandals, their hair in loose ringlets or chic layers. Men who looked like Martin Scorsese, with silver hair and black-rimmed glasses--and a couple of trim young bachelors [one in a collared check shirt] at the table next to us, visiting from Germany and then en route to Miami. I checked everyone out over their prosciutto and tiny white cups of espresso.

H. had the fresh pea risotto with shrimp and I had the best pasta ever, tender homemade agnolotti filled with burrata cheese and tossed with baby summer squash, pine nuts, pesto and ricotta salata, under a near-melty blanket of freshly grated cheese. The little pasta pillows vanished fast, but not without my noticing fresh-from-the-farm butter in the sauce. For dessert: An excellent cappuccino with a fluffy white cap and Bonet di Cioccolato, a chilled chocolate and Amaretto pudding, served by the slice with a petite scoop of vanilla gelato and a little wand of a homemade cookie. Lovely. At the end, we were talking to the general manager, Damien, about how much we loved the place. Turns out he grew up in Montclair, right around the corner from the high school. So funny--travel far and come home again.

My feet hurt now, since we were about 15 minutes from our car and I wore heels. But I liked driving over the Williamsburg Bridge and stepping into another, hipper world where people linger over dinner at 11, sipping wine and dipping bread. I liked seeing the flower boxes on the apartment window ledges and the bikes locked up for the night and the young women walking alone to their destinations. It made me think the neighborhood was safe, though to me, it was a foreign land and felt deserted in places. To me, it was unexplored territory. And we didn't head home until nearly 1.

Fig had fun, too.

Good night.

  1. Boot camp in the park with Patsy & Co.
  2. Walked Sug around block twice.
  3. Bought 3-ring binder to start organizing health insurance bills/hospital bills and try to make sense of it.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Unfinished Business

So many mornings I wake up thinking I'll catch up--with folding the baskets of clean wash, scrubbing the bathtub, decluttering my office some more, vacuuming, scheduling rug cleaning for Fig's room  and sorting and attending to medical bills. [I have tons of them, and I need to file appeals, etc. Major pain in ass for procrastinator like me.]

Then it's 10:45 P.M. and I have got to go to sleep. I can't do that folding. Can't scrub the mildew on tub. I know I'd feel much closer to apple-pie order with our laundry folded and put away......maybe tomorrow....

Good night.

  1. Walked Sug around block twice.
  2. Private Benjamin, family-style.
  3. Gardened a little.
  4. Met up for dinner in Montclair with a mom going through similar situation.

To the Sea: Greenwich Point, Connecticut

Horseshoe crabs mating*-Sis and I saw at least a dozen pairs.

In Greenwich today from 11 A.M. to 9 P.M.--just the break I needed to keep things in perspective. I motored over the Tappan Zee, looked up and saw a cloud shaped like a tall standing dragon with its mouth agape. That's me, I thought, fiercely standing toe to toe with someone's tough health problem. But then I wondered, Wait a minute, or is that the health problem, fiercely threatening to destroy us? It is a monster. Pernicious. But I can be fierce and strong for a good cause, too.

Sis and I had a long appointment at Chase regarding Dad's estate. It was productive and informative. And I marvel at the fact that my Dad, who never made a high salary, managed to buy blue-chip stocks like Coca-Cola in the 1960s. He was a canny investor. Yet one more thing I wish I could talk to him about. He would remember the details.

Other Connecticut escape notes:
  • Out to late, leisurely, two-hour lunch with Sis and Don at new eleven14 Kitchen @ the J House hotel in Riverside. Sis treated. It was a splurge. [Big switch from canned black bean soup yesterday and leftover penne three days in a row.] The look is stylish sofas at some tables, and cable-knit "sweaters" slipped over the chair backs. [Hard to explain, but chic--like sleeveless, slip-on chair vests.] Our charming young waiter was Charles, and it was his first day. We had: chilled Prosecco, effervescent and pleasing in the slender glass, white shrimp pizza [shared as appetizer, yum] and I had a tender burger with Amish Cheddar on top. For dessert: three spoons for the signature chocolate dessert, a long, stacked, mousse-filled bar, and Fresh, Fresh Strawberry Cake. We embraced the double adjectives, especially since Don likes to say things in pairs, like "Accurate sisters, accurate, accurate," and we also loved the artistic presentation and creamy filling. But then Don, frozen scoop fan, decided to try the apricot sorbet after all, and boy, did that taste fresh-picked.
  • Greenwich Point, about 4:30ish to 6 P.M.!!!! A healthy dose of Cape Cod for one-fifth the drive time [one hour from Montclair vs. 5-6 hours]. We saw many snowy white egrets, graceful against the swaying green grass. Then: mating horseshoe crabs!!!!! I've seen horseshoes since girlhood--Dad loved to show us the empty armorlike shells and brought some back from the Cape. But this was kind of alarming...the pairs starting scooting across the sand when we approached. I actually found it kind of creepy, even though I love nature. They looked weirdly stealthy and prehistoric. Some of them were even tagged for tracking purposes. Ouch, it must have hurt to get those tags punched through their shells, even if they are like armor. I loved walking and talking with my Sis. 
  • Refreshing nap on Sis's black couch--feel asleep looking up at blue sky over Route 95 before a light dinner Sis made and my hourlong drive again.
Home safe. Good night.

*Horseshoe image from

  1. Did my hair [nice shampoo].
  2. Good tooth care.
  3. Lessons in fiscal health [via Dad/Sis/Chase]. Want to be fiscally healthy.
  4. The walk at Greenwich Point.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Worn Down

Sometimes I feel worn down from trying to do everything I can to help but it still doesn't get better. But just putting that sentence down somehow makes me a tiny bit less hopeless. Good night.

  1. Productive work.
  2. Private Benjamin.

Article Archive: Check My New Pieces in HGTV and Asp1re Magazines

I wrote the "When was the last time you cleaned..." column in this current issue.
Tired and must go to sleep. Writing a story for Asp1re Magazine [August issue] about an estate in Saddle River, NJ selling for $7,495,000. It was fun to write. The kitchen was so gorgeous. Two stoves, two dishwashers, stunning floor and countertops, amazing cabinets. And a really stylish little space called Sitting Room No. 5, designed by Vanessa DeLeon Associates. The walls were quilted black patent leather, with pearls hanging on them. Very Coco Chanel. So clever.

Don't look now, but my sink is full of dirty dishes and the floor has scuff marks from Fig's black shoes. Oh well, I do have a pretty red geranium in a cherry-painted flowerpot on the kitchen table, and that makes me happy.

The May/June issue of Asp1re is out now and I wrote the cover story, on page 45. Here is the link to the virtual issue. Good night.

  1. Walked Fluff around block once.
  2. Took nap.
  3. Watched "Mad Men" episode.
  4. Private Benjamin, family.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Good Night, Sleep Tight

More to come tomorrow.

  1. Church. Actually got there on time, which felt good. Also allowed for more people-watching. A woman in the parish looks like Dr. Joyce Brothers. Yes, she does.
  2. Nap.
  3. Frank, calm talk with Figgy, made me feel closer, rather than anxious.

Sunday, June 3, 2012


This is the first time in forever that I almost went to bed without blogging. I never forget to blog! But that's what a fun party with my boot camp friends and their spouses will do, especially with two-plus margaritas. The party was in honor of our friend and fellow boot camper Diane, who is moving with her husband, Roberto, their three young kids and their dog to Boulder, Colorado. We are all going to miss her. But Diane and Roberto already have a house out there, and they love the idea of clean living and a lot of space, less congestion. Here's to following your dreams.

Good night.

  1. Yoga class 8 A.M.
  2. Support group.
  3. Walked Sug around block twice.
  4. Planted red dahlia bulbs in front and back gardens.
  5. Nap.