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Friday, June 14, 2013

Cocktails? At This Hour?

I vaguely remember college parties that started 9 P.M. or after. I remember leaving in the dark to get there. But I am old now, and going out this late is...different.

H. wants to head to the Highlawn to celebrate. It is  9:58 P.M. and he's still not ready to go.

He finished writing his book, pub. date December 26, 2013. He texted me in the afternoon from the New York Public Library, where he was writing, to see if we could go out and get a drink tonight. He said he'd be home by 8.

But I knew better, knowing how fluid a writer's time can be. Indeed, he's still putting some finishing touches on the manuscript as I write.

Here's the info from Hudson Street Press, a division of the Penguin Group.
  • Smarter
    by Dan Hurley
    Growing out of the author's popular and controversial articles for the New York Times Magazine, Smarter illuminates the new science of fluid intelligence, illustrating that—contrary to decades of scientific dogma—it is possible to increase our capacity to solve problems, detect underlying patterns, and comprehend things that were never explicitly taught to us.
As proud as I am of H., my drink will be a nightcap. Trust me.

Good night.

  1. Boot camp in the park.
  2. Walked Sug twice.
  3. Lunch with girlfriends :)
  4. Nap.
  5. Planted purple dahlia in garden, and bought zinnias and daisies to plant. Bunnies have eaten some of my perennials that came up.


  1. That's wonderful! Congratulations to H.!

  2. Lin, thank you for being so supportive. will call soon to check in. love, al

  3. Congratulations on the new book! This post and the previous one made me laugh because our paths nearly crossed, Alice ... I was on the Lower East Side last night! I did freelance editing for a college friend who wrote a book. The book got published and she did a reading at Bluestockings (Allen St. between Stanton and Rivington), and I came up to see her. It was soooo much fun, but basically, the reading was at 7, first drink was at 9, dinner at 10 ... who does that anymore? ;)

  4. Hi, that sounds like fun....nice! yes, dinner at 10, a different world....glad you had fun. cool re. book! love alice
