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Saturday, September 14, 2013


I once met a man somewhere, a stranger. We were at a gathering, and exchanged details on how old our children were. I said Figgy was a teenager. This was years ago.

Oh, so that means in a few years, she'll return to being a human being again, he said.

He seemed like a perfectly nice man. I forget where we met. He said it in a good-natured way. I thought, Wait a minute, what's he talking about? The teen years haven't been so bad.

Now I find myself remembering his comment more and more. His comment and the one from Nan, who quoted her boss saying, Just keep throwing love at them.

When it's not rush hour, Montclair is a 30-minute bus ride, tops, from New York City. That and a quick subway ride gets Figgy back home from her dorm at Parsons on East 15th Street.

Let's just say we've seen her more than we'd planned...and we'd like some of the "I'm 18, an adult" attitude staying on campus. I'm befuddled by some of her choices lately. Thankfully, she does seem to be working hard.

Good night.

  1. Desperate, I called my sitter/friend Elaine to see if she could give me a few hours today. She babysits for a lot of families in town, and has her own family, too. Yes! From 2 to almost 6. I read a classic children's story [a long one] and slept for an hour. Punch was home sick again. H. gets back from Boston tomorrow. It's been a long four days.


  1. Reading your blog every day, of course, and praying for things to smooth out for you two generous, good-hearted people and your current situation. I am thinking that there may be a reason why you are not mentioning what is going on medically with Punch... it seems ongoing. I do hope that it is not serious. And, as I have said before, L. gave us quite a run between the ages of 13 and 19. I wish I knew why some people get those easy, compliant kids and some of us get... well. And all we want is for them to be safe. Now L. is 28 and when she comes to visit we get along well (finally) and I miss her when she has to leave. Hang in there, Alice. When you come up for a breath, please call. Love, Linda

  2. Yes, I was wondering too what's up with Punch's health. Hope it's nothing chronic and just a physical manifestation of the stress and parenting she underwent before she rejoined you.

  3. And, yeah, teenagers...M. kicked our asses from 14 to 17... Up and down the block, I tell ya.

  4. Hi Lin and Hi Kim. Thank you for caring, and for caring about Punch. She could have asthma, but I don't know. She lived in an apt with 2 heavy smokers. Because she was never sent to school of any kind and is 6 1/2, I don't think she has the immunity that kids build up. We've been logging tons of hours at the playgrounds in town for weeks, but just in time for the first day of school, warm forehead and 102 fever. Second day of school, seemed ok, so she went on the bus. Came off bus at end of day saying she had a great day, but that her throat hurt when she swallowed. Tried to take her to 2 clinics that evening but they don't take Medicaid and you can't pay out of pocket, which I would have. Then she woke at 4 a.m. terrified that she couldn't breathe, and panicked. So I kept her home and took her to pediatrician. They did strep test, and said give Motrin. Seemed ok, so I sent her in Thursday. By 11 a.m., teacher had sent her to nurse saying she was coughing constantly. I had to go pick her up. That night, she coughed most of the night so I kept her home Friday. Runny nose, etc. Finally got Pediacare and she seems better but still coughs when going to sleep. I hope things go better this week. It was just terrible timing, b/c Dan had to go to Boston tuesday morning for a work assignment and was supposed to be back Saturday afternoon but then our car broke down and he had to get it fixed and part is in tomorrow, and now he will return tomorrow. It has been a very long and trying week. i hope you're both well, and thank you for the teen support, too, from the bottom of my heart. teens are foreigners. love alice
