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Thursday, September 12, 2013

Sadness, Worry, Fear

All that, but grateful for H., Sis, Victor, Moey--supportive people I talked to today. Kerri Lynn too, at Vamp--not just a hairstylist but a sunny believer in goodness and happy endings.

1. Watered flowers and tomatoes, emptied pink toile weed bucket. Showering the zinnias and dahlias was one of the most soothing things I did all day 
2. Got haircut and blow-dry at 10 a.m. Call from school nurse came while I was sitting in the salon chair, before 11. Punch lasted at school under an hour, I think. Schoolday starts 9:20 a.m.
3. Reached out for help 
4. Didn't make unhealthy food choices.


  1. #3 &#4 on TCOY, that is SO good!

    1. Nan, I thank you and I admire you. Have been thinking of how you adjusted to your new family. Maybe I can call you sometime. Alice
