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Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Just Another Hell Day

Oh, hell, let me just jump into a cool bubble bath and pray for more patience tomorrow. I just wrote a long post and somehow deleted it. Perfectly fitting for hell day.

Punch home sick, H. in Boston till Saturday night. We were stuck with a car with no A.C. on a 95 degree day. She was a terror for 1.5 hours at the doctor's office. We had a young resident and it took forever. I had to go the bathroom badly and had to ask resident to watch Punch. Staff doctor had to step in to get strep throat culture later. Punch wouldn't give back resident's stethoscope. Had to wrestle it from her grip.

Missed boot camp, salon blowout, WORK TIME. Didn't want to leave her when home sick with a sitter, even if I could find one. Used to feel same way about Figgy.

Frustrated, unhappy, wondering why we are taking this on. Internet wouldn't work, and Punch spilled some of our homemade strawberry jam on the floor.

Haven't walked my poor dog in days. I just open the back door and put her out in yard, or, big treat, take her with me when I go to park the car at night. She can pee on the lawn and then ride to the garage with me, and walk back. She's happy for the chance.

Ate more snacks than I planned after dinner. Danger zone again with some kid foods in the house.

Good night, better days ahead. I like what my friend Heidi emailed me: We're all learning in this house.

  1. About to take cool, fragrant bubble bath...
  2. and pray for more grace and patience.


  1. She's acting out and testing you, Alice. Obviously, you know that. But summon up all that you did best at this age with Fig (think age 2 to 5 'cause it sounds like a lot of what Punch is doing is more like a 3 year old, which would be about right since everything about her story is so delayed). Dig out from your arsenal all the old, good tricks--time-outs, clear boundaries and consequences. I so feel for you. This is such a trying stage under the best of circumstances and this was so unexpected. Rethink the sitter even when she's sick. Maybe you don't leave the house, but still get some time to work and breathe, you know? I'll email you privately some dates for lunch.

  2. No wisdom to offer,just love and support. It's a hard road you are on.



  3. Kim and Nan, thank you so much for caring and for your support. another rough day. am trying to keep the faith. love alice
