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Sunday, February 23, 2014

No Words Again

Feeling lost, like maybe I don't belong here. Good night.

1. Mass with Punch. We were VERY late, regrettably, but the choir sings at 10:30 Mass and that was lovely. 
2. Made dill bread with yogurt and whole grain flour with Nik and Punch.
3. Read while Fig watched Punch.


  1. Not sure exactly what you mean, but you have a gift with words. And the way you use them has helped me, more than I can say. You have some hard times here, and maybe you have to go quiet and retreat inward to think things through, but know there are lots of people caring lots for you. We'll be here.


  2. I second, Nan. Not sure if you mean here on this blog or there in your life's combination, but you are so valued and needed. take care of yourself as much as you can, even if it means going quiet for a bit here. Like Nan said, we'll wait. xoxo

  3. Nan and Kim, You are so good to me. Thank you for caring. I meant belong here in this family situation, with this emotional load. I took the garbage out last night and looked down the hill at the NYC skyline glittering through the bare winter branches and wondered if I belong there, living in a high rise. I really lose my cool and my balance a lot, though I try hard not to. I try to keep my eye on healthy goals, and it always roams, like an unfaithful spouse. Maybe I belong in my own apartment, where things stay as they are when you put them alice xoxoxo thank you

  4. ....and the ongoing conflict about missing my work in an office, on a staff, in NYC.....

  5. I hear ya, sister. I often feel tugged, and especially so when the girls were young. sending love xoxo

  6. If I could be anything, it would be a lighthouse keeper. Useful work by the sea, but you never have to talk to anyone. Lots of time to read and walk the dog. So torn some days.

  7. Nan--I have fantasized about being a lighthouse keeper to the extent that I have visited many lighthouses and even read books about/by people who kept the lights. What a coincidence that you say that. Sending love. I know you work so hard at what you do--at work and at home. love and thanks, alice xoxoox
