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Saturday, October 15, 2016

Italian Dinner out with Eileen + Pete

Felt so civilized to leave Punch behind with a sitter and savor angel hair w lobster, shrimp, mussels and clams--and fine conversation--with Eileen and Pete. I met E. years back at Good Housekeeping and her husband, Pete, is a reporter for The Wall Strreet Journal who worked on an article that was a Pulitzer Prize finalist this year. 

When H. first met Eileen, he likened her to Mary Tyler Moore. Sweet, hardworking, smart, independent, living in her own little apartment--she even had MTM-style bouncy dark hair.

Nice time out at Lou Cas in Edison.

Good night.

1. Found place w 8:30 a.m. Saturday blowouts! Felt good.
2. Support group.
3. Nap.
4. Seeing Eileen and Pete, chatting all evening with H. and them, from red wine through cappuccino.
5. Got to see dear Sis, who came from Connecticut for Punchy's soccer game.


  1. Ha! I didn't know Dan thought I was like MTM, though a few friends from that era drew the same parallel. I love it! So great to see you, Alice. :)

    1. Yes I loved his MTM comparison. As a teen, I watched her show every Saturday night w my parents, not to mention earlier watching of "The Dick Van Dyke Show." Long live Mary Richards, and you! Wish we lived closer to see you and Pete more often, and meet the kids. Have a good day!
