I’m on the #66 bus to the Port Authority, in slow-poke traffic on Route 3 East, due to an accident. My seat is right behind the bus driver, and I hear him and other drivers radioing back and forth about possible detours to take.
Dan and I saw this smash 🦁 hit on Broadway with mini Figgy (about age 3, so small); our full-time nanny/babysitter, Maria; and her young son, Fabian. It was our treat for the latter two. I felt very indebted to the other mother who was not home after school with her grade-school son, but keeping my little girl safe while I worked in a venerable magazine office in the glittery city. What job could be more important than Maria’s?
But Sis has wanted to see it for decades. She often very generously treats me to tickets and more but this time, Dan and I are covering the two sister tickets for Sis’s April birthday.
I love the music and can’t wait to revisit the show. Lionking.com
Lion King was a big Thing for us, back in the day. A visiting friend here in DC insisted we go to an exhibit in the National Museum of Women in the Arts, where they displayed models and drawings and mock-up costumes by Julie Tamor for the only-just-opened show, as well as some other shows she had designed (notably, Shakespeare’s Tempest). I was familiar with the cartoon movie, of course, and hadn’t been excited at the thought of a Broadway show based on a cartoon. But I was TOTALLY blown away by the stuff I saw in the museum. So I got us all tickets as a family Christmas gift (we were still spending Christmas in Bellport so could swing a Broadway show). We all fell in love, the kids especially. They have seen it three more times! The CD from the show was on continuous play in the car for years.
ReplyDeleteSo glad you got to see it again!
Nan, is that you? Yes! How lovely that the whole family holds such happy Lion King memories and especially since M and H were in Africa, right? Sis went on her African safari in summer 2022 and we have been looking at the photos she took of male and female lions and comparing to the show. It was very good. Sis loved it. I must say that I listen to “The Lion King” songs a lot, especially on my Google speaker (and used to in the car/CD with little Figgy, like you) and the stage version of the songs seemed slower, less striking. I am spoiled by Nathan Lane and Jeremy Irons on the soundtrack....that said, I loved the cast, the dancing, the music. And when grown-up Nala sings on stage, it is 100 percent. Her performance is excellent; and she is tough and strong. I just think I have been spoiled by the movie- star soundtrack, which is of course not a live stage performance, a true art of its own. :)
DeleteP.S. I am aware I can be a tough critic.
DeleteBy chance, did you buy tix using the Broadway two-for-one offer? Wondering how the seats were. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteHello. No my sister got them thru some discount program from her long-time job at NYU. I forget the name. We were in first row mezzanine on the left and had a very good view. I think we paid close to $250 total for 2 tix and that may have included $25 handling? or other order fee, even though, of course, it was tickets on the phone not paper tickets 🎫 like in the old days.
ReplyDeleteAh, Lion King figures prominently in our fam, too! First show for ML. I took Y, of course, as well. later when I heard C had never seen Bdwy, I sent her and M to it for her...I dunno, some important birthday. They loved it and proceeded to watch all the Disney animated movies that summer. Then for P's first Xmas here, I sent C and P to it for Xmas! I, myself, haven't seen it since that young mom days (with my 7 and 5 year old). I should go again. (Kim)
ReplyDeleteooh, maybe I'll wait and see it with Baby Fio!
ReplyDeleteBaby Fio, yes! I love that you sent so many to see the gift of this show, Kim.