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Saturday, July 23, 2011

Packing My Bags

I've loved Nauset Light since I was a girl. Can't wait!
Anne, Nikki and I were going to leave for the Cape at 10, then 11, now twelve. I'm hopeless when faced with last-minute things, and am spoiled with road trips, not flight check-ins! Plus, last night we were all at the surprise party for Anne's good husband, Michael, who turned 50! Anne was still in her PJs last time I called to change the time, so it's all good.

When Dad used to drive little Figgy and me up the Cape for a few days, he'd always get here really early and have to wait, because I wasn't ready.

Better go. Had to print out some work stuff to bring, clean my clothes, pay some bills. Now, throwing my stuff in my bags! Not like Sis, who puts her and Don's suitcases out a few days or even a week before a plane trip and packs at a relaxed pace.

Cannot wait to see my windmill, ocean, pond, ice cream shop, Route 6, cranberry bogs, wildlife sanctuary, bike path, lighthouse, Chocolate Sparrow and catch up with Anne and Nikki.

But, better go hunt down my swimsuit bottom. Or might get in quandary like another time, when had to buy cheap, cheesy suit up on the Cape. I think it almost fell apart after two dips in Great Pond.


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