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Monday, June 11, 2012

Stirring up Creativity, Sifting My Thoughts

Once the object of my affection, I see these as a mass-produced chemical fake now.
I've loved to bake ever since mastering Baked Alaska and Butter Cookies in the International Chef's Club at Dumont High School. Then came the era of chocolate cake--my friend Fritch stopped over at our house in Dumont once, and I had gotten some of the batter on the kitchen ceiling while the beaters whirred. Then brownies and bars and cheesecakes...and pies and tarts and tortes. And flirtations with low-sugar treats for H.: apple-walnut cake and rustic French apple tarts with a buttery golden crust.

Tonight, it's just humble chocolate biscotti, from this recipe @, a site that is new to me--and good. [I don't like ginger with chocolate, so I omitted that.]

I was looking forward to baking all day. The pleasure did not disappoint. The dishwasher hummed and washed as I mixed and patted. And it helps me in the supermarket to know that I can bake something from real ingredients rather than succumb to the sack of Chips Ahoy! [made with Reese's Peanut Butter Cups] on sale for $1.99. I have started looking at things like Entenmann's cakes and Doritos as chemically processed pretenders. They're not real. But my biscotti are. I made them with the finest dark Valrhona cocoa powder...the most fragrant vanilla it's time to slice the logs into cookies and slide them into the oven again.

Oops, here I am back from the hot spot--lost maybe a third of the batch b/c the log collapsed on the floor when I removed it from the cookie sheet for cutting. Had to clean up quickly because otherwise Sug would scoot in and try to eat some, and we all know chocolate can make dogs sick.

Theory: Flop might be because I didn't have 1/2 cup of walnuts, so added extra chocolate chips and just the scant amount of almonds in the house. Dough was softer, meltier--more likely to fall apart.

But what is left is mighty good, like brownie biscotti.

Good night. Sweet dreams.

  1. Boot camp in the park.
  2. Walked Sug around block once.
  3. Planted more flower seeds.
  4. Made a sticky phone call.
  5. Made healthy chili.
  6. Baked!


  1. I once dropped a hot cheesecake on my foot (and the floor) taking it out of the oven. Ouch and big mess. Glad you were able to salvage most of the biscotti. The recipe looks really good. Love, Lin

  2. Picked up HGTV magazine today. Your article inspired me to go clean my toilet brushes. Thanks a lot.

  3. hey Lin, I once dropped a cheesecake too, in my college apartment. but not on my foot. ouch is right. the biscotti are good but still a bit too tempting.....and you are so funny re the toilet brushes!!!!!! i know, i feel like cleaning mine,too...glad Dut can do the July date. love alice
