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Sunday, August 26, 2012

Gone Fishing

My brother-in-law Don with the sea robin he caught today in Greenwich Cove.

Sis rented a power boat and a captain today, to take us out of the Greenwich Water Club. It was a gorgeous Sunday, and we were on the water from about 1:30 to 5.

The captain for hire, Niel [Harold Nielsen], lowered our anchor in Greenwich Cove, and it was beautiful. Around us, other boats tied to moorings held sunbathers, people reading and folks otherwise whiling away a sunny afternoon.

When Don reeled in a fish, people on three other boats around us clapped and asked him what he caught. Unfortunately, it seems the sea robin is a bottom feeder with bony spikes and not much meat. The captain/skipper threw him back.

I felt so privileged. It was really lovely to motor around Greenwich and Indian Harbor Yacht Club, where Sis and Don got married [on a sailboat] almost 17 years ago. Sometimes today's ride was choppy, other times placid. But the view was a glamorous tonic for a tired soul. I liked the salt spray in my hair and on my cheeks when we really sliced through the waves.

Aside from that, I've been anxious, panicked, cranky, mean. Self-doubting and self-loathing. Unsteady. I'm hoping that a good night's sleep [last night was a long one] will put my boat on a smoother course. Hoping and praying.

Let's all drift off to dreamland.

  1. Tried to speak my mind honestly and clearly.
  2. I loved looking at the sailboats on the water. Like a painting. Such timeless beauty.
  3. Ate my veggies, thanks to Sis, who served a delicious dinner that included a big leafy green salad and snow peas.

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